Sowing Knowledge Reaping Success

STay Informed

October is Paterson Poetry Month! Here are the ways that Word Seed Inc. is celebrating the 2024 inaugural year.


We Support the Lady Royals Basketball team. The grade 3-8 girls engage in community service events when they’re off the court that include literary events like Books & Basketball.

Skill Share

We have skilled professional writers who share their many talents with individuals and organizations to develop special projects that benefit the community.


We help connect the community to our Little Free Libraries in the Parks. We’ve the honor of bridging those who care for books with those who desire books.

Our Organizations



What's in a word?

Since the beginning, Word Seed, Inc. has been founded on the idea that creating a community around words will enrich the community. Words are our legal documents, our life stories, our spirituality, and our names. We know that words are the vessels for our very essence and that it is appropriate to ensure that our youth have the keys to decode the secrets of success with words and that readers and writers at every stage are able to thrive in a world painted with words. For these reasons, we intentionally sow into our community.
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